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sunscreen for scars

ScarScreen by Dermaflage is the first specially formulated sunscreen for scars.

Clearing the Confusion About Acne Scars and Acne Marks

Millions of people are searching for the best product for acne scars or acne marks. As if living with acne breakouts isn’t stressful enough, they can leave behind equally-annoying parting gifts long after they’ve gone: acne scars or acne marks. So, just when you think you’ve conquered the blemishes and can move…

Sunscreen for Scars Protects from Discolouration

Now that summer is in its last hurrah,  you may be more focused on sweater weather than on using your sunscreen for scars. Though it may be tempting to slack off on the sun protection routine, we beg you, think twice before retiring your sunscreen supply until next pool season. You’ve heard…

Sunscreen for scars

Sunscreen for Scars Today, we are becoming more and more aware on how to properly take care of our skin. When it comes to the topic of healthy skin, scars and blemishes are inevitable. People are constantly looking for the best make up to cover acne scars and products to…

Dermatologist Recommendations For Scars